Season 7


The Longest Day

07.01 - Episode 131
Airdate: Thursday, September 26, 1985
Written by David Paulsen
Directed by Arthur Allan Seidelman

Val finds the twins but is unable to prove the children are hers; Mack has a restraining order slapped on the adoptive parents; Gary gets tragic news from Dallas; Laura returns to the real-estate business.

Here in My Arms

07.02 - Episode 132
Airdate: Thursday, October 3, 1985
Written by Parke Perine
Directed by Nick Sgarro

Karen tries to find hospital records on Val's babies; Mack looks for Nurse Wilson for proof; the custody battle over the twins upsets an unstable Sheila Fisher; Sumner fires Gary's construction engineer.

While the Cat's Away

07.03 - Episode 133
Airdate: Thursday, October 10, 1985
Written by E Jeffrey Smith
Directed by Lorraine Ferrara

Abby fills in at Empire Valley for an absent Gary; Mack grills the Fishers about the illegal-adoption racket; Val's preoccupation with her twins leaves Ben feeling neglected; Cathy has a surprise for Joshua.

The Christening

07.04 - Episode 134
Airdate: Thursday, October 17, 1985
Written by David Assael
Directed by Larry Elikann

The Fishers ask to say their last goodbyes to the twins; Joshua crushes Cathy's enthusiasm over the new apartment; Mack has more than he bargained for with his new assistant; Abby supervises Empire Valley construction.

A Little Assistance

07.05 - Episode 135
Airdate: Thursday, October 24, 1985
Written by Melanie Mintz
Directed by Roy Campanella, Jr.

Joshua's deception brings sympathy from Cathy, whose bruises bring whispers from Val and Lilimae; Ben orders Joshua to improve his show's ratings; Sumner hires a new assistant; Gary comes to terms with his depression.

A Question of Trust

07.06 - Episode 136
Airdate: Thursday, October 31, 1985
Written by Bernard Lechowick
Directed by Linda Day

Karen decides to get to know Jill better in case she proves to be an adversary; Gary asks questions at the construction site; Abby sets Elliot up to ensure his loyalty; Joshua can no longer ignore Cathy's T.V. popularity.


07.07 - Episode 137
Airdate: Thursday, November 7, 1985
Written by Lynn Latham
Directed by Lorraine Ferrara

Joshua tests his limits on his TV show and in his marriage; Mack learns what makes Jill tick; Karen solicit Laura's help; Gary has a revelation.

Pictures at a Wedding

07.08 - Episode 138
Airdate: Thursday, November 14, 1985
Written by David Paulsen & Michael Filerman
Directed by Nick Sgarro

Cathy is more afraid of Joshua’s temper than ever; Ben checks on Lilimae's medical condition; Gary takes a hard look at Val's twins; Karen and friends prepare for Val’s wedding at Lotus Point.

Until Parted by Death

07.09 - Episode 139
Airdate: Thursday, November 21, 1985
Written by Bernard Lechowick
Directed by Larry Elikann

Gary makes an unexpected appearance at Val & Ben’s wedding; Lilimae's eyes are opened by Joshua's lies; Elliot goes prowling at Empire Valley; Laura provides a haven when Joshua poses a physical threat to Cathy.

Rise and Fall

07.10 - Episode 140
Airdate: Thursday, December 5, 1985
Written by Parke Perine
Directed by Robert Becker

Joshua becomes a time bomb set to put his deadly plan in motion; Gary asks Mack to investigate a murder; Abby and Sumner learn the grim truth about Elliot's accident.

To Sing His Praise

07.11 - Episode 141
Airdate: Thursday, December 12, 1985
Written by Lynn Latham
Directed by David Paulsen

Joshua’s death casts a pall over the #CulDeSac, with many wanting answers; Sumner makes an offer to buy the land he believes is rightfully his; Gary confronts Abby about her collusion with the Empire Valley scheme.

All's Well

07.12 - Episode 142
Airdate: Thursday, December 19, 1985
Written by Alan Goldfein
Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan

Lilimae keeps Cathy quiet about the details of Joshua’s death; Gary shares his discovery at Empire Valley with Mack; Greg gets a stern warning from Mack; Gary comes up with a means to an end.


07.13 - Episode 143
Airdate: Thursday, December 26, 1985
Written by Roberto Loiederman
Directed by Alexander Singer

The explosion at Empire Valley alters the hit man's strategy and brings publicity; Lilimae has a standoff with Cathy, then accuses Ben of destroying Joshua by taking away his show; Ben is pulled off the Empire Valley story.

Unbroken Bonds

07.14 - Episode 144
Airdate: Thursday, January 2, 1986
Written by Diana Kopald Marcus
Directed by Roy Campanella, Jr.

Val tells Karen that Gary confronted her and he knows he’s the twins father; Lilimae worries that Joshua’s case will be reopened; Laura surprises Greg with a dinner invitation; Jill meets Gary while playing damsel in distress.

Web of Lies

07.15 - Episode 145
Airdate: Thursday, January 9, 1986
Written by Diana Kopald Marcus
Directed by Nicholas Sgarro

Lilimae and Cathy remain trapped in their lies about Joshua's death; Abby feigns indifference to Karen's state planning-commission job offer; Karen and Mack run into Gary and Jill at a hotel; Ben tries to cheer Cathy up.

The Confession

07.16 - Episode 146
Airdate: Thursday, January 16, 1986
Written by David Paulsen
Directed by Nick Havinga

New evidence raises doubts with the police about Joshua's death; Jill offers to aid Karen in her battle with Abby; Cathy is charmed by the new sax player in her group; Peter conspires with his mother.


07.17 - Episode 147
Airdate: Thursday, January 23, 1986
Written by Parke Perine
Directed by Linda Day

Jill invades Mack's territory again and makes him an offer; Olivia overhears a conversation between her mother and Sumner.

Friendly Enemies

07.18 - Episode 148
Airdate: Thursday, January 30, 1986
Written by Diana Kopald Marcus
Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan

Peter reveals his true identity to Sumner; Karen discovers Jill’s hotel key in Mack's pocket; Cathy confides in Sonny about Joshua’s death; Abby allows an angry Olivia to stay at Karen’s.

The Key to a Woman's Heart

07.19 - Episode 149
Airdate: Thursday, February 6, 1986
Written by Lynn Latham
Directed by Robert Becker

Karen's marriage suffers the effects of Jill Bennett; Cathy loses her trust in Sonny; Abby offers Peter financial assistance; Laura insists Peter's claim is fraudulent, although Sumner chooses to believe him.

A Very Special Gift

07.20 - Episode 150
Airdate: Thursday, February 13, 1986
Written by Lawrence Kasha
Directed by Nick Havinga

Abby goes on the warpath over Gary's public indiscretion; the ice melts between Karen and Mack; gifts come in for the twins' first birthday.

Irrevocably Yours

07.21 - Episode 151
Airdate: Thursday, February 20, 1986
Written by Sara Ann Friedman
Directed by Robert Becker

Gary's generosity causes an upheaval for Val and Ben; Michael gets wind of Olivia's new habit; Mack discovers Jill has not been truthful with him; Lilimae's comes to terms with Joshua’s death.

High School Confidential

07.22 - Episode 152
Airdate: Thursday, March 6, 1986
Written by Sally Susman
Directed by David Paulsen

Michael takes the rap for Olivia's careless actions; Mack learns more about Jill's interest in the Westphall case; Laura questions Sumner's business ethics; Gary takes a dangerous spin in a race car.

Distant Rumblings

07.23 - Episode 153
Airdate: Thursday, March 13, 1986
Written by Joel Okmin & Tom Citrano
Directed by Michael Preece

Gary's dominance affects Val and Ben's marriage; Jill confesses her hatred of Paul Galveston; Sumner makes Peter and Sylvia an offer; Abby gets to the bottom of Olivia's lies.

Phoenix Rises

07.24 - Episode 154
Airdate: Thursday, March 27, 1986
Written by Bernard Lechowick
Directed by Nicholas Sgarro

Karen finagles some prime land out of Gary; Jill's investigation comes to a standstill; Abby becomes the floor show at a gala, then pays Sylvia a visit.

The Legacy

07.25 - Episode 155
Airdate: Thursday, April 3, 1986
Written by Lynn Latham
Directed by Timna Ranon

Karen worries about Eric’s arsenic poisoning; Abby demands 51% of Peter’s inheritance or she’ll tell Greg he’s not really his brother; Cathy decides to go on tour; Peter scolds Jill to not get involved with Gary.

Arsenic and Old Waste

07.26 - Episode 156
Airdate: Thursday, April 10, 1986
Written and Directed by David Paulsen

Abby moves quickly to try an unload Empire Valley; doctors determine that Eric was poisoned; worrying about Ben takes its toll on Val, while Ben grapples with how to say goodbye to Cathy.

A Change of Heart

07.27 - Episode 157
Airdate: Thursday, April 17, 1986
Written by Parke Perine
Directed by Joseph L. Scanlan

Greg takes Laura to Vegas where they get hitched; Abby hopes to stall her divorce proceedings; Sylvia is rattled by the upcoming court case; an attention-starved Ben finds a persevering admirer.

His Brother's Keeper

07.28 - Episode 158
Airdate: Thursday, May 1, 1986
Written by Bernard Lechowick
Directed by Larry Elikann

Karen realizes she must persuade Gary to sell Empire Valley; a senator's assistance could expedite the cleanup, but Sumner gets to him first; Cathy thinks she has found a tour manager; Jill makes a confession to Gary.

Thicker than Water

07.29 - Episode 159
Airdate: Thursday, May 8, 1986
Written by Lawrence Kasha
Directed by Kate Swofford Tilley

Abby assures reporters of the safety of drinking water at Lotus Point as Karen plans to shut down the resort; Sumner primes Peter for a Congressional post; Abby orders Peter to settle with Sumner; Ben's sudden announcement stuns Val; a young woman pays a visit to Mack.

The Longest Night

07.30 - Episode 160
Airdate: Thursday, May 15, 1986
Written by David Paulsen
Directed by Joseph Scanlan

Paige's reunion with Mack is marred as Mack can’t locate Karen; Sumner forces the services of a political strategist on Peter; Val makes a startling discovery about Ben; Karen finds herself locked up with a strange man.